quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2016

Hi there, students and artists from Colégio SESI Internacional!

It's time to let your creativity flow!

Join in the contest and create a logo for our 1st Café Philosophique (or CoPhi :P) to be hosted at CSI this quarter.

Explore any technique you want, add words and/or expressions, make it colorful or art noir... as you wish.

Winners will be awarded, so as special guests, and your logo will be everywhere.

Please send the image file(s) to teacher Guilherme at guilherme.guedes2@sesisenaipr.org.br until September 2nd.


Dear students from Colégio SESI Internacional,

This year we have Olimpíada de Filosofia in its 5th edition!

The event will happen on November 10th and 11th in Curitiba, and it is coordinated by UFPR and UNINTER.

To participate, firstly you have to choose a philosophical theme based on an original philosophy text, organize yourselves individually or in groups (with any number of students) and produce a video during from 4 to 6 minutes.

The deadline for inscriptions is August 31st.

The deadline for submitting the videos is October 31st.

For further information, please check it at www.olimpiadadefilosofia.com.br

Please look after teacher Guilherme until August 26th to make the inscriptions and start producing, ok?